[Olug-list] Mozilla linjetrøbbel, hvitf arge i OO og fonter

Per Inge Oestmoen pioe@coldsiberia.org
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 11:10:10 +0200

Remco B. Brink wrote:

> To paraphrase George Orwell: "All Linux distros are equal, but some
> Linux distros are more equal than others."

> -rbb (on Debian)

Debian? Are you sure?

I have to say that it was with a huge sense of relief I read this.
As is well known among historians, belligerence and
assassination is much more likely whenever there is a monolithic
weltanschauung in a purpose-driven community or society.
There is little need to elaborate upon the sad history of the
medieval crusaders here.

Thus, if the OLUG "headquarter" in Teisenveien had been
exclusively a Mandrake bastion, the whole place would
definitely have appeared in a much more sinister light.

Now you have put all my fears to rest.

Per Inge Oestmoen, Norway