[Olug-list] Medlemsmøte 2007-12-11 : Accessibility with Open Source and Free Software

medlemmer@nuug.no medlemmer at nuug.no
Sat, 1 Dec 2007 21:22:45 +0100

Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG) inviterer til medlemsmøte i NUUG Oslo.
Alle medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer er velkomne. Arrangementet er gratis. Etter 
foredraget (fra ca. 20:30) blir det sosialt samvær.

 Tid:   Tirsdag 11. desember 2007 kl. 18:30 
 Sted:  Høgskolen i Oslo, Pilestredet 35.

Presentasjonen starter presis, og dørene inn til auditoriet er låst, så det er
lurt å ankomme før 18:30 mens det er folk i døra til å slippe deltagerne inn.

Månedens tema er «Accessibility with Open Source and Free Software» med Adriane 
og Klaus Knopper:

 Making information access "accessible" is not as easy as it is sometimes
 advertised by software vendors, taking into account the various different
 capabilities and possibilities of users with and without disabilities, and
 even for the "average" computer user, finding information on the web and even
 on his/her own harddisk can become a difficult job. This presentatio provides
 some hands-on examples of desktop and application helpers which are suitable
 to give, not only but also, blind and vision-impaired computer users an
 unfamiliar comfortable access to information resources and communication
 devices, and also explains some of the concepts behind desktop accessibility
 on the technical side.

 * ADRIANE - Audio Desktop Reference Implementaion And Networking Environment
   for barrier-free Web access, Multimedia, Cellphone services, Chat & Email
 * Using graphical Desktops with the ORCA screenreader 
   (http://live.gnome.org/Orca) and compiz-fusion
   (http://www.compiz-fusion.org/) for:
   - OpenOffice/ODF (http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Accessibili=
   - Firefox

Adriane Knopper, married to Klaus Knopper and mother of two children, is 
responsible for accessibility and ease-of-use issues at Knopper.Net consulting, 
especially in the area of software-alphatests and usability improvement.

She turned blind at the age of 15, and is today using a GNU/Linux system, 
customized especially for the need of blind users, for internet and mobile 
services access. From the non-technical perspective of a person just using 
computers, rather than programming by herself, she works with developers 
designing blind-friendly user interfaces.

Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Knopper, known best for his live system "KNOPPIX", holds a 
master's degree in electrical engineering and works as freelance IT-consultant
and developer of specialized Open Source software solutions. His experience 
covers over 15 years of system adminstration on various brands of Unix-System 
platforms (Solaris, Aix, HPUX, GNU/Linux), system programming in Perl, Bourne 
Shell, C and Java.

Besides his self-employed job, he currently works as a stand-in professor at the
university of applied sciences Zweibrücken, where he teaches information 
technology, software engineering and Linux system administration.

Inngangen til høyskolen er ved trikkeholdeplassen Holbergs plass.

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studieplass eller hvor det måtte passe. Vi har den tilgjengelig både i
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Vel møtt!