[Olug-list] "Manage Large Networks of Xen Virtual Machines using MLN" - NUUG-presentasjon 2007-02-13

medlemmer@nuug.no medlemmer at nuug.no
Mon, 15 Jan 2007 10:10:30 +0100

Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG) inviterer til medlemsm=F8te i NUUG
Oslo. Alle medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer er velkomne. Arrangementet er
gratis. Etter foredraget (fra ca. 20:30) blir det sosialt samv=E6r.

  Tid:  Tirsdag 13. februar 2007 kl. 18:30
  Sted: H=F8gskolen i Oslo, HiO, - Vika, Cort Adelersgt. 30.

Presentasjonen starter presis, og d=F8rene inn til H=F8gskolen og
auditoriet er l=E5st, s=E5 det er lurt =E5 ankomme f=F8r 18:30 mens det er
folk i d=F8ra til =E5 slippe folk inn.

M=E5nedens tema er =ABManage Large Networks of Xen Virtual Machines using

  Virtualization is now beyond hype. Although there are many products
  and management tools available today, they are usually tied to a
  certain virtual machine technology, such as VMware or Xen. This
  means that the management capabilities at the system administrators
  disposal are closely related to the technology chosen and available
  funds. Further, most of these tools do not sufficiently address the
  need for managing large networks of virtual machines. Operations
  such as design, deployment and long-term maintenance scale badly
  using graphical tools.

  At Oslo University College they have years experience of using
  virtual machines for student labs using both User-Mode Linux and
  Xen. They developed their own approach to virtual machine
  management based on the complex scenarios they had to create for
  their students. This led to an open source tool called MLN, which
  addresses large-scale virtual machine management using its own
  configuration language instead of a graphical interface. Using MLN
  one is able to create 120+ virtual machines in one go on a single
  physical server or to deploy a group of virtual machines across
  several physical servers without loosing control. The talk will
  showcase MLNs capabilities using the Xen virtual machine platform.

Kyrre Begnum is currently a PhD student at Oslo University College. He
holds a cand.scient. from the University of Oslo. His main research
topic is system administration.

Inngangen til h=F8yskolen er 15 meter fra trikkeholdeplassen Vikatorvet.
Parkeringsplass finnes mellom skolen og Rusel=F8kka skole, men det er
sv=E6rt begrenset plass p=E5 denne.

Mer informasjon om hvordan du finner frem p=E5:

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arbeidsplass, studieplass eller hvor det m=E5tte passe. Vi har den
tilgjengelig b=E5de i PostScript-, PDF- og L^AT[E]X-format fra

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Vi minner ogs=E5 om sp=F8rreunders=F8kelsen vi i januar gjennomf=F8rer blant
medlemmene og andre.  Til n=E5 har 39% av medlemmene svar.  Bes=F8k
for =E5 delta.

Vel m=F8tt!

Vennlig hilsen,
Petter Reinholdtsen - arrang=F8r
Leder i NUUG