[Olug-list] Samarbeid om åpne data med slovakisk NGO

aktive at nuug.no aktive at nuug.no
Sun Nov 3 21:59:01 CET 2013


Som noen kanskje har fått med seg pågår det et arbeid for å etablere et 
samarbeid med en slovakisk NGO om åpne data. Dette gir en god mulighet for 
noen i Norge å samarbeide, mot noe betaling, med en partner i Slovakia om å 
publisere og bruke åpne data. Jeg håper noen her er interessert i en slik 
mulighet. Det er snart deadline for å søke midler, så det er fint om noen kan 
plukke opp tråden med en gang. Mannen jeg snakker med her heter  
Peter Hanecak og dette er hans foreslåtte prosjektbeskrivelse.

„OpenData in the City“ project is an extension and an improvement of the
projects „Workgroup for Open Municipality" and „Publishing of selected
datasets", which are being realized within the mechanism of the Participatory
Budgeting for Bratislava 2013 and which, in addition to expert group, also
involve and integrate the general public and the municipality officers into
the process of data publishing.

The main focus areas of the project “OpenData in the City” are:

- Expanding the OpenData community with members from other cities so that
  the practical know-how gained in Bratislava can be effectively reused

- Formalizing the communication between municipality and the citizens not
  only electronically, but also using public events in order to enable
  definition of standards for data publishing

- Regular briefings about OpenData opportunities so that the general public
  is not only aware about this activity but is also able to directly
  participate (crowdsourcing)

- Active participation on activities of the standardization committees ISVS
  for Ministry of Finance of SR and on activities of the workgroup on datasets
  for the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the SR for the Development of
  the Civil society 

Jeg har ikke tid til veldig aktiv involvering, men svar til meg for å vise 
interesse, så tar jeg det videre.


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