SV: SV: [Olug-list] SuSE 8.2 has trouble reading a second (NTFS) disk

Jarle Bjorgeengen
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 14:41:39 +0200


jeg tror ikke partisjonerings-valgene dine har noe med saken a gjore.

#uname -a  og noter kernel version
#cd /lib/modules/[kernel-version]/
#find .|grep ntfs
Hvis du far noe hit pa soket, noterer du modulnavnet. Det ville ikke
overraske meg om modulen heter heter ntfs.o
Kjor sa
#insmod ntfs (Hvis modulen heter ntfs.o )
#mount [ntfs partisjon] [mountpoint]

Far du ikke noe hit pa soket, er ikke ntfs driveren inkludert (som modul vel
a merke) i den kjernen du kjorer.

Jeg tror at /proc/filesystems forteller hva som er innebygd av
filsystem-drivere i selve kjernen. Hvis driveren er i kjernen, men ikke som
en modul, burde den vare listet opp der.

Mvh Jarle

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Per Inge Oestmoen []
Sendt: Saturday, April 26, 2003 12:45 AM
Til: Jarle Bjorgeengen
Emne: Re: SV: [Olug-list] SuSE 8.2 has trouble reading a second (NTFS)

Jarle Bjorgeengen wrote:

 > try to insmod the ntfs driver, if it is available to
 > your kernel. Then try mount the partitions.

Help! What does it mean to "insmod" a driver in this case?

Also, I wonder if you imply that I have to mount the NTFS partitions
every time I want to access them. If so, it is a major step back from
both SuSE 8.1 and Mandrake 9.0 and 9.1, both of which had no
difficulty reading NTFS.

 > If it doesn\t work, I'm afraid you have to re-compiel your
 > kernel with NTFS support (Maybe NTFS has been turned off by
 > defult in SUSE 8.2 , or maybe you had a custom kernel on 8.1 )

I definitely did not use a custom built kernel in 8.1, and the new
version 8.2 even comes with a suite of programs called NTFSprogs,
which even give writing capability on NTFS partitions. It seems rather
unlikely that SuSE would include such radical functions unless they
have NTFS support in the standard kernel, which was also the case with

I wonder if my choosing Custom partitioning at first install may have
caused these problems. SuSE would want to put everything in one large
partition, whereas I wanted to have one for programs, one swap and one
large for /home. When I installed 8.1 I let the program create one
large partition for data and programs.

Could that make a difference?

Per Inge Oestmoen