[Olug-list] Opprop til mobilisering.

Jørgen Birkhaug post at birkhaug.no
Tue, 18 May 2004 13:14:23 +0200

Siterer jarle@bjorgeengen.net:

> Hei,
> dette er meget alvorlig. Norske politikere og alle som kan krype og gå bør 
> nå mobilisere.
> ==========================
> The EU Council of Ministers is demonstrating that the concept of democracy 
> is alien to the EU. This Wednesday, the Irish Presidency managed to secure 
> a qualified majority for a counter-proposal to the software patents 
> directive, with only a few countries - including Belgium and Germany - 
> showing resistance. The new text proposes to discard all the amendments 
> from the European which would limite patentability. Instead the lax 
> language of the original Commission proposal is to be reinstated in its 
> entirety, with direct patentability of computer programs, data structures 
> and process descriptions added as icing on the cake. The proposal is now 
> scheduled to be confirmed without discussion at a meeting of ministers on 
> 17-18 May, unless one of the Member States changes its vote. In a 
> remarkable sign of unity in times of imminent elections, members of the 
> European Parliament from all groups across the political spectrum are 
> condemning this blatant disrespect for democracy in Europe. 
> ============================
> Les mere på: 
> http://swpat.ffii.org/journal/04/cons0507/index.en.html
> Mvh Jarle Bjørgeengen

Kan du forklare meg - helst med så enkle ordvalg som mulig - problemstillingen 
slik at jeg kan forstå hvorfor jeg straks må mobilisere?

Samtidig ønsker jeg også informasjon om _hvordan_ jeg skal mobilisere? Hva kan
jeg gjøre?
Jørgen Birkhaug